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Quantafuel well on its way to become the market leader within chemical recycling of plastic

Quantafuel well on its way to become the market leader within chemical recycling of plastic

Quantafuel is in a strong position to continue its journey shaping the chemical recycling market for plastic. In its first quarter 2021, Quantafuel reports NOK 577 million in cash by end of Q1 2021 and strong support from its three strategic partners BASF, Vitol and Kirkby.
The company’s strategy is to build large-scale Plastics-to-Liquid (PtL) process plants at multiple locations throughout Eu

Quantafuel ASA, BASF and REMONDIS want to cooperate on chemical recycling of plastic waste

Quantafuel ASA, BASF and REMONDIS want to cooperate on chemical recycling of plastic waste

- More recycling of plastic waste which would otherwise be incinerated
- Favorable regulatory environment decisive for implementation
BASF, Quantafuel and REMONDIS have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly evaluate a cooperation in chemical recycling including a joint investment into a pyrolysis plant for plastic waste.
It is intended that REMONDIS, one of the world's


Quantafuel upgrades plastic waste into valuable products that are in high demand.
The entire value chain is circular. Quantafuel aims to rapidly build up production capacity on a global scale and to have a meaningful impact on one of our time's most pressing environmental challenges.


Quantafuel ASA, Lilleakerveien 2C
0283 Oslo