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Peter Larsson, Thomas Bill and Lars Sveder, co-founders of Monterro

Monterro announces the final close of new small-cap fund at €150m hard cap

Monterro has today announced the final close of a new small cap fund, G1, at its €150m hard cap. G1 will target the significant opportunity in B2B software in the Nordic lower mid-market, enhancing Monterro’s first-look position in the segment. It will follow the same strategy as a hands-on, operationally led growth investor and leverage the Firm’s powerful sector expertise and extensive network.

Monterro förvärvar restaurant tech bolaget Caspeco

SaaS-bolaget Caspeco accelererar digitaliseringen av restaurangbranschen tillsammans med investeraren Monterro.

Monterro har förvärvat en majoritet i svenska restaurant tech-bolaget Caspeco som erbjuder en komplett molnbaserad plattform för restaurang- och upplevelseindustrin. Samarbetet gör att Caspeco ytterligare kan förädla sina tjänster, med målet att hjälpa ännu fler krögare att få bättre koll på sin ekonomi och ta smartare beslut. Bolaget kan även öka tillväxten, både i Sverige och internationellt.

Monterro acquires restaurant tech company Caspeco

SaaS company Caspeco accelerates the digitalisation of restaurants together with Monterro.

Monterro has acquired a majority share in Caspeco, a Swedish restaurant tech company that offers a comprehensive Cloud-based platform for the restaurant, hospitality and experience industry. The partnership will enable Caspeco to further develop its solution built to give restaurateurs more control of their finances, help them make smarter decisions - and ultimately run a more profitable business.

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We turn Nordic software companies into global players.

Monterro is not your typical investment firm. We combine entrepreneurial spirit, business experience and personal networks to support the management teams it partners with. Based in Stockholm, Monterro is a hand-on growth investor targeting software companies in the Nordic region. Unlike other firms, who only invest other people’s money, the Monterro partners have a personal stake in each and every investment. We have skin in the game.


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114 39 Stockholm