PR and Marketing News – June 2024

Marketing PR

BBDO Dubai wins the Grand Prix for Good at the Cannes Festival and Dove takes a stand against AI-generated ads. Here are the latest PR and marketing news, freshly curated in the newest edition of our PR newsletter Headlines. Haven’t subscribed yet? Join the list.


Industry news, curated for you.

Child Wedding Cards Campaign Wins Grand Prix at Cannes

At the 2024 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity last week, BBDO Dubai’s ‘Child Wedding Cards’ campaign for UN Women won the Lions Health and United Nations Foundation Grand Prix for Good. Aimed at raising the minimum marriageable age to 18 in Pakistan, the team created invitations to fictional child weddings, drawn by young girls, and sent them to political leaders.

Over a dozen lawmakers joined the cause to demand legislative change, holding up the cards in the National Assembly.

Watch campaign video

Dove Takes a Stand Against AI in Ads

Beauty brand Dove has pledged not to use AI-generated imagery to represent ‘real bodies’ in ads. In their new campaign video, women submit simple prompts like “a gorgeous woman” to AI image generators, revealing culturally biased results. Dove is one of the first major brands to address the potential harms of AI-generated ads.

Watch campaign video

Images that Evoke Scents Have a Powerful Effect on Human Senses, New Research Says

Choosing the right images for campaigns has always been crucial. Now, recent research suggests that visuals of scented objects have a more significant impact on human senses than previously believed. A picture of a scented object evokes that scent in consumers’ minds in the same way as the actual scent.

For example, consumers preferred a dish soap featuring a picture of cut lemons on the label over one with whole lemons.

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Ideas we enjoyed and think you will, too.

The Public Relations Podcast Title Thumbnail


The PUBLIC Relations Podcast: Are You Missing Lots of PR Opportunities?

PR expert Richard Midson explores effective ‘bridging’ techniques to reach new audiences beyond your usual sector.

Length: 17 min.

Image showing TED Talk Keynote Speaker Jerry Silfwer on stage with a black background and in a suit.


TED Talk: A Recipe for PR Success

Jerry Silfwer explains the importance of targeting a ‘broad audience’ to attract active support from a smart minority, illustrated through several successful PR campaign examples.

Length: 15 min.

The Public Relations Podcast Title Thumbnail


Report: The State of Nordic PR & Communication 2024

If you read just one report this summer, make it this one – the essential PR and Comms Trend Report 2024 covering industry trends and insights.

Reading time: 35 min.

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