Table of contents


The Mynewsdesk webservice for newsroom is a way to fetch data from your newsroom at Mynewsdesk to any system.

The webservice is built around GET requests over HTTPS. Your response will be either JSON, XML or RSS.

Before you can use the service, you need to have it activated by us and receive your unique key. The key is used in all requests for authentication.

All services share the same URL pattern:

The name of each of the services and their parameters are listed below.

A note on caching

To improve performance and reliability of the API we cache responses in edge locations around the world. This means that you can expect a delay of up to 60 seconds after creating, changing or deleting content on your newsrooms until the changes become visible through the API.


  • list: List all materials of your newsrooms
  • view: View single material
  • search: Search for materials in your newsrooms
  • pressroom_info: View newsroom information

list - List all the materials of your newsrooms



  • 200 OK

    A list of all materials of all your pressrooms (or one of your pressrooms if pressroom is passed), filtered by the parameters. An empty list if there are no published materials.

  • 404 Not Found

    This unique key doesn't exist.

  "total_count": 42,
  "items": [

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<items total-count="42">

<rss xmlns:media=""
        <title>Mynewsdesk company news</title>
        <description>Mynewsdesk news feed directly from the source</description>
            <title>Nordic PR Awards uppmärksammar branschens riktiga hjältar</title>
            <pubDate>2022-02-16 07:30:00</pubDate>
            <description>Framgångsrik PR avgörs inte enbart av result...</description>
                <title>The image caption</title>

See thedata structure of the materials for the returned items.

Optional parameters

  • format (Default: xml)

    Specify the format of the response: JSON (json), XML (xml) or RSS 2.0 (rss).

    The format can also be specified in the path:[.json|.xml|.rss]?...
  • type_of_media (Default: pressrelease)

    Fetch materials of this type only.

  • limit (Default: 20)

    Set the maximum number of items in the response. Cannot be more than 100.

  • offset (Default: 0)

    Pass an offset to sequentially load more materials than requested by limit.

  • order


    • Publication date (published) for pressreleases, news and blog posts
    • Start date for events
    • Position for images, videos, documents and contact people

    Specify the sort order of the result: publication date (published), date of latest update (updated) or creation date (created).

  • archived (Default: false)

    Only used for events. When archived is set to false (which is the default), events which ended in the past are omitted.

    The parameter is named archived for historic reasons. It has nothing to do with the feature for archiving materials.

  • strict

    Default: true for all customers who recieved their API key after March 6, 2020. false for all customers who received their API key before.

    Specify if the JSON response body should be rendered in strict mode, with the following differences:

    • Collections are always returned as arrays, no matter if the count is 0, 1 or > 1
    • All attributes that are present in the XML format are present in the JSON format in strict mode
    • Integers and booleans are not converted to strings
    • Arrays are not wrapped in a wrapper object
    • Keys with null value are never omitted
    • null is not converted to ""

    We encource all our customers to use strict mode.

    The strict param has no effect when requesting the XML or RSS format.

  • callback

    If format is JSON and callback is specified, the JSON response is wrapped in a function call with the specified callback name.

  • locale (Default: en)

    Set the locale for the response. This will translate the content of the <subjects> nodes to the passed locale. We support the following locales:

    en, ar, de, es, fr, it, ja, km, nl, pl, pt-BR, pt-PT, pt, ro, ru, tr, vi, zh-CN, zh-TW, da, nb, no, sv, es-ES, fi, id, zh, bg, ca, et, fa, he, ko, lt, lv, sk, th, uk, bg-BG, cs-CZ, el-GR, hr-HR, hu-HU, ro-RO, si, sk-SK, sl-SI, ca-CAT, da-DK, de-AT, de-CH, ee, en-AU, en-BORK, en-CA, en-GB, en-IND, en-KE, en-MS, en-NEP, en-NG, en-NZ, en-PAK, en-SG, en-TH, en-UG, en-US, en-ZA, en-au-ocker, es-AR, es-MX, fi-FI, fr-CA, fr-CH, hy, mi-NZ, nb-NO, no-NO

    Will default to en if you pass an unavailable locale.

  • pressroom (Default: all)

    Set the pressroom to define where to fetch materials from. Pass the country code of your pressroom as a value, for example se for Swedish pressrooms or uk for United Kingdom pressrooms. You can pass com for international pressrooms.

  • tags (Default: none, fetches all materials)

    Only fetch materials marked with the provided tags/categories. Multiple tags/categories can be provided as comma separated list. Use the tag's identifier of its permalink as value(s). Unknown identifiers will be ignored.

    The parameter is named "tags" for historic reasons. It has nothing to do with the feature for tagging materials.

view - View single material



  • 200 OK

    A single material.

  • 404 Not Found
    • This unique key doesn't exist.
    • The item_id parameter is missing.
    • No material found for this ID and type of media.

  "item": [

  "item": {

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

See the data structure of the materials for the returned item.

Required parameters

  • item_id

    ID of the material to be fetched.

Optional parameters

  • format (Default: xml)

    Specify the format of the response: JSON (json) or XML (xml). You can also pass rss which will return the XML response.

    The format can also be specified in the path:[.json|.xml]?...
  • type_of_media (Default: pressrelease)

    The type of the material to be fetched.

  • strict

    Default: true for all customers who recieved their API key after March 6, 2020. false for all customers who received their API key before.

    Specify if the JSON response body should be rendered in strict mode, with the following differences:

    • The material is wrapped into an array
    • All attributes that are present in the XML format are present in the JSON format
    • Integers and booleans are not converted to strings
    • Arrays are not wrapped in a wrapper object
    • Keys with null value are never omitted
    • null is not converted to ""

    We encource all our customers to use strict mode.

    The strict param has no effect when requesting the XML or RSS format.

  • callback

    If format is JSON and callback is specified, the JSON response is wrapped in a function call with the specified callback name.

search - Search material


While "list" and "search" might look similar; with "search" just having an additional parameter to specify a search query. There are some important differences between the services due to their implementation:

  • If your newsroom isn't live, "search" will always return an empty list, while "list" and "view" will return results for non-live newsrooms. This is because the search is run through the newsroom search index which only contains publicly available materials.
  • The tags parameter for "list" will take the identifier for the tag's permalink as value and will do an equality match. For "search" it will take the actual tag name and will do a partial match. If you want to use the tag's permalink identifier as parameter for "search" endpoint, you can use tag_ids.
  • Both "list" and "search" allow you to paginate the results. "list" uses the offset parameter to sequentially load the results, while "search" uses page.
  • For "search" you can't specify the order of the returned results.
  • "search" doesn't support passing a locale.
  • "search" doesn't support passing archived to omit events which took place in the past. Use the date_start and date_end parameters instead.


  • 200 OK

    A list of the materials of all your pressrooms (or one of your pressrooms if pressroom is passed), which are matching the passed search query. An empty list if there are no published materials or if the pressroom isn't live.

  • 404 Not Found

    This unique key doesn't exist.

  "search_result": {
    "summary": {
      "nr_of_items": 20,
      "total_items": 78,
      "limit": 20,
      "page": 1,
      "page_count": 4
    "items": [

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

RSS will return the same data structure as the list endpoint.

<rss xmlns:media=""
        <title>Mynewsdesk company news</title>
        <description>Mynewsdesk news feed directly from the source</description>
            <title>Nordic PR Awards uppmärksammar branschens riktiga hjältar</title>
            <pubDate>2022-02-16 07:30:00</pubDate>
            <description>Framgångsrik PR avgörs inte enbart av result...</description>
                <title>The image caption</title>

See the data structure of the materials for the returned items.

Optional parameters

  • format

    Specify the format of the response: JSON (json), XML (xml) or RSS (rss).

    The format can also be specified in the path:[.json|.xml|.rss]?...
  • query (Default: *)

    The string to search for. The search is performed as full text search on all text fields in the material, like header, summary and body. Wildcard search with "*" is also supported.

  • type_of_media (Default: pressrelease)

    The type of material to be fetched.

  • limit (Default: 20)

    Set the maximum number of materials in the response. The limit cannot be more than 100.

  • page (Default: 1)

    Pass a page number to sequentially load more materials than requested by limit.

  • strict

    Default: true for all customers who recieved their API key after March 6, 2020. false for all customers who received their API key before.

    Specify if the JSON response body should be rendered in strict mode, with the following differences:

    • Collections are always returned as arrays, no matter if the count is 0, 1 or > 1
    • All attributes that are present in the XML format are present in the JSON format in strict mode
    • Integers and booleans are not converted to strings
    • Arrays are not wrapped in a wrapper object
    • Keys with null value are never omitted
    • null is not converted to ""

    We encource all our customers to use strict mode.

    The strict param has no effect when requesting the XML or RSS format.

  • callback

    If the format is JSON and callback is specified, the JSON response is wrapped in a function call with the specified callback name.

  • pressroom (Default: all)

    Set the pressroom to specify where to fetch materials from. Pass the country code of your pressroom as value, for example se for Swedish pressrooms or uk for United Kingdom pressrooms. You can pass com for international pressrooms.

  • tags (Default: none, fetches all materials)

    Only fetch materials marked with the provided tags/categories. Multiple tags/categories can be provided as comma separated list. Use the tag's actual name(s) as value(s). The tags will be matched using a fulltext search, so whitespaces, dashes or other special characters are ignored and materials with partially matching tag names are included.

    The parameter is named tags for historic reasons. It has nothing to do with the feature for tagging materials.

  • tag_ids (Default: none, fetches all materials)

    Only fetch materials marked with the provided tags/categories. Multiple tags/categories can be provided as comma separated list. Use the tag's identifier of its permalink as value(s). Unknown identifiers will be ignored.

  • date_mode (Default: between)

    Specifies how the date parameters are used. Valid values are: between, before or after.

    Specifying between or omitting the parameter does not enforce passing both date_start and date_end. If only date_start is passed, the system will automatically fall back to after mode. If only date_end is passed, the system will automatically fall back to before mode.

  • date_start

    Only includes materials where published date is after the passed date. Pass in format YYYY-MM-DD. The parameter will be ignored when date_mode is before.

  • date_end

    Only include materials where the published date is before the passed date. Pass in format YYYY-MM-DD. The parameter will be ignored when date_mode is after.

pressroom_info - View pressroom information



  • 200 OK

    Information about the pressroom for the respective unique key. Will return:

    • General information like the pressroom name, description and address.
    • A tag/category cloud of the 15 most popular tags/categories used in the pressroom.
    • A list of all tag/categories of the pressroom.
    • A formatted list of all tag/categories of the pressroom, which respects capitalization.
    • The pressroom logotype.
    • A list of the links shown in the footer of the pressroom.
    • The press contacts for the pressroom.
  • 404 Not Found
    • This unique key doesn't exist.
    • There is no pressroom for the country code passed in by the pressroom parameter.

  "pressroom": {
    "id": 7,
    "country": {
      "name": "Sweden",
      "code": "se"
    "source_name": "Mynewsdesk",
    "source_id": 25,
    "pressroom_name": "Mynewsdesk",
    "header": "Mynewsdesk - Det smarta sättet att skapa kännedom och relationer",
    "description": "Mynewsdesk hjälper företag att skapa kännedom, nå rätt målgrupp och ...",
    "address": {
      "street": "Rosenlundsgatan 40",
      "postal_code": "118 53",
      "city": "Stockholm",
      "country": "Sweden"
    "tag_cloud": [
        "name": "#how2pr",
        "level": 1
        "name": "100 million",
        "level": 2
        "name": "content",
        "level": 3
        "name": "digital pr awards",
        "level": 5
        "name": "event",
        "level": 4
        "name": "företagsnyheter",
        "level": 2
        "name": "mynewsday",
        "level": 2
        "name": "pr awards",
        "level": 1
        "name": "pr revolution",
        "level": 1
        "name": "pr workflow",
        "level": 1
        "name": "pracademy",
        "level": 1
        "name": "produktnyheter",
        "level": 1
        "name": "webinar",
        "level": 1
    "all_tags": [
        "name": "produktnyheter"
        "name": "content"
        "name": "webinar"
        "name": "företagsnyheter"
        "name": "jon"
        "name": "100 million"
        "name": "mynewsday"
        "name": "event"
        "name": "pr awards"
        "name": "pracademy"
        "name": "pr revolution"
        "name": "pr workflow"
        "name": "#how2pr"
        "name": "digital pr awards"
    "all_tags_formatted": [
        "name": "Produktnyheter"
        "name": "Content"
        "name": "webinar"
        "name": "företagsnyheter"
        "name": "jon"
        "name": "100 million"
        "name": "MyNewsday"
        "name": "event"
        "name": "PR awards"
        "name": "pracademy"
        "name": "PR revolution"
        "name": "PR workflow"
        "name": "#how2pr"
        "name": "digital PR awards"
    "logotype": [
        "url": "",
        "size": "small"
        "url": "",
        "size": "full"
    "links": [
        "text": "Prova Mynewsdesk",
        "url": ""
        "text": "Support och hjälp",
        "url": ""
        "text": "Mynewsdesk hemsida",
        "url": ""
        "text": "Mynewsdesk teknisk dokumentation",
        "url": ""
    "presscontacts": [
        "name": "Jourhavande presskontakt",
        "title": "Pressfrågor",
        "specialist": null,
        "phone": null,
        "email": "",
        "links": [],
        "images": [
            "url": "",
            "size": "small"
            "url": "",
            "size": "full"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <country code="se">Sweden</country>
    <header>Mynewsdesk - Det smarta sättet att skapa kännedom och relationer</header>
        Mynewsdesk hjälper företag att skapa kännedom, nå rätt målgrupp och bygga ...
        <street>Rosenlundsgatan 40</street>
        <postal_code>118 53</postal_code>
        <tag level="1">#how2pr</tag>
        <tag level="2">100 million</tag>
        <tag level="3">content</tag>
        <tag level="5">digital pr awards</tag>
        <tag level="4">event</tag>
        <tag level="2">företagsnyheter</tag>
        <tag level="2">mynewsday</tag>
        <tag level="1">pr awards</tag>
        <tag level="1">pr revolution</tag>
        <tag level="1">pr workflow</tag>
        <tag level="1">pracademy</tag>
        <tag level="1">produktnyheter</tag>
        <tag level="1">webinar</tag>
        <tag>100 million</tag>
        <tag>pr awards</tag>
        <tag>pr revolution</tag>
        <tag>pr workflow</tag>
        <tag>digital pr awards</tag>
        <tag>100 million</tag>
        <tag>PR awards</tag>
        <tag>PR revolution</tag>
        <tag>PR workflow</tag>
        <tag>digital PR awards</tag>
        <image size="small">
        <image size="full">
        <link text="Prova Mynewsdesk" url=""/>
        <link text="Support och hjälp" url=""/>
        <link text="Mynewsdesk hemsida" url=""/>
        <link text="Mynewsdesk teknisk dokumentation" url=""/>
            <name>Jourhavande presskontakt</name>
                <image size="small">
                <image size="full">

Optional parameters

  • format

    Specify the format of the response: XML (xml) or JSON (json).

    The format can also be specified in the path:[.xml|.json]?...
  • pressroom (Default: Your first pressroom)

    Set the pressroom to specify where to fetch materials from. Pass the country code of your pressroom as value, for example se for Swedish pressrooms or uk for United Kingdom pressrooms. You can pass com for international pressrooms.

Data structure of the different material types

The JSON data structure shows strict mode, which is enforced for all unique keys generated after March 6, 2020.


  "newsdeskML": "2.1",
  "type_of_media": "pressrelease",
  "language": "sv",
  "source_id": 25,
  "source_name": "Mynewsdesk",
  "pressroom_name": "Mynewsdesk",
  "pressroom": "se",
  "pressroom_id": 7,
  "organization_number": "556634-1276",
  "id": 3162227,
  "url": "",
  "published_at": {
    "text": "2022-02-16 07:30:00",
    "datetime": "2022-02-16T06:30:00Z"
  "created_at": {
    "text": "2022-02-15 11:15:34",
    "datetime": "2022-02-15T10:15:34Z"
  "updated_at": {
    "text": "2022-02-21 16:46:47",
    "datetime": "2022-02-21T15:46:47Z"
  "links": [
      "text": "link name",
      "url": "link URL"
      "text": "link name",
      "url": "link URL"
  "header": "Nordic PR Awards uppmärksammar branschens riktiga hjältar",
  "summary": "Framgångsrik PR avgörs inte enbart av resultatet, vägen dit är minst ...",
  "body": "<p><strong>Framgångsrik PR avgörs inte enbart av resultatet, vägen dit ...",
  "boilerplate": "<p><strong>Om Mynewsdesk - Det smarta sättet att skapa kännedom ...",
  "image_caption": "The image caption",
  "image": "",
  "image_small": "",
  "image_medium": "",
  "image_thumbnail_large": "",
  "image_thumbnail_medium": "",
  "image_thumbnail_small": "",
  "tags": [
      "name": "PR Awards",
      "url": ""
  "subjects": [
      "name": "PR, Communication",
      "id": "PRAA",
      "parent_id": "MEDI"
      "name": "New media",
      "id": "NYMA",
      "parent_id": "MEDI"
      "name": "PR, Communication",
      "id": "PRAB",
      "parent_id": "TJAN"
  "geographic_areas": [
      "name": "Enköping",
      "id": "ENKO",
      "parent_id": "UPPS"
      "name": "Västernorrland",
      "id": "VASA",
      "parent_id": null
  "contact_people": [
      "source_id": 25,
      "source_name": "Mynewsdesk",
      "pressroom_name": "Mynewsdesk",
      "pressroom": "se",
      "pressroom_id": 7,
      "organization_number": "556634-1276",
      "id": 108149,
      "url": "",
      "published_at": {
        "text": "2020-07-01 14:11:28",
        "datetime": "2020-07-01T12:11:28Z"
      "created_at": {
        "text": "2020-07-01 14:11:28",
        "datetime": "2020-07-01T12:11:28Z"
      "updated_at": {
        "text": "2020-07-01 14:11:28",
        "datetime": "2020-07-01T12:11:28Z"
      "position": 0,
      "links": [
          "text": "link name",
          "url": "link URL"
          "text": "link name",
          "url": "link URL"
      "name": "Jourhavande presskontakt",
      "title": "Pressfrågor",
      "specialist": null,
      "phone": null,
      "email": "",
      "pressroom_contact": true,
      "image": "",
      "image_small": "",
      "image_medium": "",
      "image_thumbnail_large": "",
      "image_thumbnail_medium": "",
      "image_thumbnail_small": ""
  "related_items": [
      "item_id": 3082438,
      "type_of_media": "pressrelease"
      "item_id": 106396,
      "type_of_media": "blog_post"
      "item_id": 106463,
      "type_of_media": "blog_post"
      "item_id": 2430363,
      "type_of_media": "image"


<!-- Only used in partner API -->
    <channel id="123">Channel one</channel>
    <channel id="124">Channel two</channel>

<published_at datetime="2022-02-16T06:30:00Z">2022-02-16 07:30:00</published_at>
<created_at datetime="2022-02-15T10:15:34Z">2022-02-15 11:15:34</created_at>
<updated_at datetime="2022-02-21T15:46:47Z">2022-02-21 16:46:47</updated_at>

    <link text="link name" url="link URL"/>
    <link text="link name" url="link URL"/>

<header>Nordic PR Awards uppmärksammar branschens riktiga hjältar</header>
<summary>Framgångsrik PR avgörs inte enbart av resultatet, vägen dit är  ...</summary>
<body><p><strong>Framgångsrik PR avgörs inte enbart av resulta ...</strong></p></body>
<boilerplate><p><strong>Om Mynewsdesk - Det smarta sätt ...</strong></p></boilerplate>

<image_caption>The image caption</image_caption>

    <tag url="">
        PR Awards
    <tag url="">
        Other tag name

    <subject id="NYMA" parent_id="MEDI">New media</subject>
    <subject id="PRAA" parent_id="MEDI">PR, Communication</subject>
    <subject id="PRAB" parent_id="TJAN">PR, Communication</subject>

    <geographic_area parent_id="UPPS" id="ENKO">Enköping</geographic_area>
    <geographic_area parent_id="" id="VASA">Västernorrland</geographic_area>

        <published_at datetime="2020-07-01T12:11:28Z">2020-07-01 14:...</published_at>
        <created_at datetime="2020-07-01T12:11:28Z">2020-07-01 14:11:28</created_at>
        <updated_at datetime="2020-07-01T12:11:28Z">2020-07-01 14:11:28</updated_at>
            <link text="link name" url="link URL"/>
            <link text="link name" url="link URL"/>
        <name>Jourhavande presskontakt</name>

    <related_item item_id="3082438" type_of_media="pressrelease"/>
    <related_item item_id="106396" type_of_media="blog_post"/>
    <related_item item_id="106463" type_of_media="blog_post"/>
    <related_item item_id="2430363" type_of_media="image"/>


  "newsdeskML": "2.1",
  "type_of_media": "news",
  "language": "sv",
  "source_id": 25,
  "source_name": "Mynewsdesk",
  "pressroom_name": "Mynewsdesk",
  "pressroom": "se",
  "pressroom_id": 7,
  "organization_number": "556634-1276",
  "id": 441501,
  "url": "",
  "published_at": {
    "text": "2022-02-02 11:33:22",
    "datetime": "2022-02-02T10:33:22Z"
  "created_at": {
    "text": "2022-01-28 17:21:16",
    "datetime": "2022-01-28T16:21:16Z"
  "updated_at": {
    "text": "2022-02-02 11:33:22",
    "datetime": "2022-02-02T10:33:22Z"
  "links": [
      "text": "link name",
      "url": "link URL"
      "text": "link name",
      "url": "link URL"
  "header": "Nytt utseende - samma smarta plattform",
  "summary": "Mynewsdesk fortsätter att transformera PR- och kommunikationsbranschen...",
  "body": "<h3><strong>Mynewsdesk fortsätter att transformera PR- och ...",
  "image_caption": "The image caption",
  "image": "",
  "image_small": "",
  "image_medium": "",
  "image_thumbnail_large": "",
  "image_thumbnail_medium": "",
  "image_thumbnail_small": "",
  "tags": {
    "tag": "Företagsnyheter"
  "subjects": [
      "name": "PR, Communication",
      "id": "PRAA",
      "parent_id": "MEDI"
      "name": "New media",
      "id": "NYMA",
      "parent_id": "MEDI"
      "name": "PR, Communication",
      "id": "PRAB",
      "parent_id": "TJAN"
  "geographic_areas": [
      "name": "Enköping",
      "id": "ENKO",
      "parent_id": "UPPS"
      "name": "Västernorrland",
      "id": "VASA",
      "parent_id": null
  "contact_people": [
      "source_id": 25,
      "source_name": "Mynewsdesk",
      "pressroom_name": "Mynewsdesk",
      "pressroom": "se",
      "pressroom_id": 7,
      "organization_number": "556634-1276",
      "id": 108149,
      "url": "",
      "published_at": {
        "text": "2020-07-01 14:11:28",
        "datetime": "2020-07-01T12:11:28Z"
      "created_at": {
        "text": "2020-07-01 14:11:28",
        "datetime": "2020-07-01T12:11:28Z"
      "updated_at": {
        "text": "2020-07-01 14:11:28",
        "datetime": "2020-07-01T12:11:28Z"
      "position": 0,
      "links": [
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<header>Nytt utseende - samma smarta plattform</header>
<summary>Mynewsdesk fortsätter att transformera PR- och kommunikationsbra...</summary>
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Blog Post

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<header>PR Award: jurymedlem Hanna Brogren om nyfikenhet, ledarskap och mod</header>
<summary>Det har blivit dags att avslöja ytterligare en av jurymedlemmarn...</summary>
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<header>Lotta Anestedt, Destination Lofsdalen - Newsroom of the Year Sweden</header>
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<header>Rapport: Journalister och sociala medier</header>
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Contact Person

The url for a single contact person is returned by the API for historic reasons. It will redirect to the contact people page of your newsroom.

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Tips & Tricks

Align the URLs of the materials in your newsroom

If you want the correct material to load in your newsrooms when clicking on a link in an email, you need to enable the redirect to your newsrooms in the newsroom settings and align the URLs of the material with your own newsroom URLs.

Go to the hosted newsroom settings and enable the CNAME integration for hosted newsrooms. Then enter the domain of the page you are using our API under "Your own subdomain (CNAME)" and choose "Hosted newsroom" under "Redirection URL":

Note 1: You will get a warning that we can't find the CNAME record for your domain, as shown in the example above. This is expected and can be ignored for the API integration.

Note 2: Although the field is named "Your own subdomain", it will also work for apex domains.

With the settings shown in the screenshot, requests to
(which is the URL used in the emails) will be redirected to

Now make your server respond to these URLs with the corresponding material. The URL scheme is as follows: