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CLAAS, AgXeed and Amazone have set up the first autonomy group and are unveiling solutions for highly automated and autonomous fieldwork. Other partners are expected to join them in time for Agritechnica.

Joined forces: CLAAS, AgXeed and Amazone establish world-first multi-manufacturer autonomy group

CLAAS, AgXeed and Amazone have stepped up their collaboration in the field of highly automated and autonomous agricultural machinery and work processes by establishing the first multi-manufacturer autonomy group. 3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY aims to accelerate the development, standardisation and market introduction of semi- and fully autonomous tractor-implement combinations through their

“The ROW-MASTER RN and RN_S cultivators have been selling very well. We can see that weeding is popular again and it is a trend confirmed, for example, by many leading growers of sugar beet. Customers have come to like our machines mainly due to th

The new generation of the ROW-MASTER RN_PROFI cultivators is a response to the current demands of farmers

Inter-row crop cultivation is on the rise again. It does not only concern standard cultivation of inter-rows but the aim is to perform several operations in one pass and thus save costs. Farmers demand an increasingly higher variability in the equipment and, above all, maximal precision without a negative effect on the crop during work. The new ROW-MASTER RN_PROFI model series currently meets all

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Dansk landbrugskoncern der er ejet af 8.300 danske landmænd

Danish Agro koncernen består af en række agroindustrielle selskaber i ind- og udland. De har alle den overordnede målsætning - i et tæt samspil med kunderne - at medvirke til værdiskabende løsninger på de enkelte bedrifter.

Koncernen er beskæftiget inden for salg af foderblandinger, råvare- og vitaminforblandinger, gødning, planteværn, såsæd og energi samt køb af afgrøder fra landbruget. Endvidere forhandler koncernen en række stærke maskinbrands til landbruget samt driver en omfattende kæde af hobby- og fritidsforretninger. Danish Agro koncernen beskæftiger 5.500 medarbejdere og vil i 2024 have en omsætning i niveauet 48 mia. kr.

Danish Agro

Køgevej 55
4653 Karise