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Dachser renews IATA CEIV Pharma certification in Frankfurt

Press release: Dachser renews IATA CEIV Pharma certification in Frankfurt

Frankfurt Airport branch demonstrably meets the highest service and quality standards in the transport of life science and healthcare products
Kempten/Frankfurt, November 4, 2021 – Dachser’s Frankfurt air and sea freight branch has once again received certification from IATA’s Center of Excellence for Independent Validators in Pharmaceutical Logistics (CEIV Pharma), demonstrating its capabiliti

DACHSER Emission-Free Delivery is part of the logistics provider’s long-term climate protection strategy

Press release: Dachser expands emission-free city deliveries to eleven European cities

By the end of 2022, Dachser deliveries to the city centers of at least eleven European metropolitan regions will be emission-free. To date, DACHSER Emission-Free Delivery has been implemented in Stuttgart, Freiburg, and Oslo. Preparations are now also underway in Berlin, Munich, Strasbourg, Paris, Prague, Copenhagen, Madrid, and Porto.
DACHSER Emission-Free Delivery means that Dachser delivers

Virtually no dip in company revenue in 2020, the year blighted by Covid-19, with the strong second half offsetting the impact of the European lockdowns in April and May.

Press release: Customer confidence strengthened: Dachser is satisfied with the year´s results

Kempten, April 13, 2021 - Dachser can look back on a successful 2020, which was characterized by the loyalty and climate of mutual trust between the logistics provider, its customers, and its transport partners. Dachser’s consolidated net revenue totaled EUR 5.61 billion, a slight decrease of 0.9 percent compared to the previous year.
“We have delivered on our promise to be a rock of stability

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Partner für Logistik in Deutschland und weltweit

Mit rund 34.000 Mitarbeitern an weltweit 382 Standorten erwirtschaftete Dachser im Jahr 2023 einen konsolidierten Umsatz von rund 7,1 Milliarden Euro. Der Logistikdienstleister bewegte insgesamt 77,4 Millionen Sendungen mit einem Gewicht von 40,0 Millionen Tonnen. Dachser ist mit eigenen Landesgesellschaften in 43 Ländern vertreten. Weitere Informationen zu Dachser finden Sie unter dachser.de.


Thomas-Dachser-Str. 2
87439 Kempten