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Topics: Finance

Magnus Flink, co-founder and CRO - Pihr, Erik Syrén, Managing Director - Monterro, Magnus Drogell, co-founder and CEO - Pihr

Kravet på lönetransparens ökar inom EU. Nu expanderar svenska pay equity-systemet Pihr internationellt med investeraren Monterro.

Monterro har förvärvat en majoritet i det svenska SaaS-bolaget Pihr som erbjuder en plattform för att kartlägga och sätta rättvisa löner på arbetsplatser. Partnerskapet gör att Pihr nu kan accelerera sin tillväxtresa i Europa, en marknad med hög tillväxtpotential då EU:s lönetransparensdirektiv ställer ökade krav på bolag att säkerställa rättvis och transparent lönesättning.

Magnus Flink, co-founder and CRO - Pihr, Erik Syrén, Managing Director - Monterro, Magnus Drogell, co-founder and CEO - Pihr

The demand for pay transparency and pay equity solutions is increasing in the EU. Now, the Swedish pay equity platform Pihr expands internationally with software growth investor Monterro.

Monterro has acquired a majority stake in the Swedish SaaS company Pihr, which offers a platform that identifies and resolves pay gaps to ensure fair compensation in workplaces. The partnership allows Pihr to accelerate its growth journey in Europe, a market with high growth potential as the EU's new pay transparency directive imposes increased requirements on full pay transparency and pay equity.

Edtech UNIwise partners with Monterro to accelerate international expansion

Danish edtech company UNIwise partners with Monterro to accelerate the digitalization of higher education across Europe.

Leading Nordic B2B software growth investor Monterro has acquired a majority stake in UNIwise, a Danish SaaS company that helps universities and higher education deliver secure, accessible and efficient digital assessments and exams. The partnership will enable UNIwise to accelerate the product development of its cloud-based platform, WISEflow, and further accelerate international growth.

Monterro releases its 2nd Nordic B2B SaaS benchmark report

83% of Nordic SaaS companies believe in accelerated or maintained growth rate in 2023, but shift focus to existing customers.

Monterro recently conducted its second growth study among Nordic B2B software companies. This year's study shows that over half of the companies (52%) believe in an accelerated growth rate in 2023, and about one in three (31%) in maintaining growth rates compared to 2022. At the same time, the companies' focus on profitability is increasing and they plan to grow on their existing customer base.

Peter Larsson, Thomas Bill and Lars Sveder, co-founders of Monterro

Monterro announces the final close of new small-cap fund at €150m hard cap

Monterro has today announced the final close of a new small cap fund, G1, at its €150m hard cap. G1 will target the significant opportunity in B2B software in the Nordic lower mid-market, enhancing Monterro’s first-look position in the segment. It will follow the same strategy as a hands-on, operationally led growth investor and leverage the Firm’s powerful sector expertise and extensive network.

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We turn Nordic software companies into global players.

Monterro is not your typical investment firm. We combine entrepreneurial spirit, business experience and personal networks to support the management teams it partners with. Based in Stockholm, Monterro is a hand-on growth investor targeting software companies in the Nordic region. Unlike other firms, who only invest other people’s money, the Monterro partners have a personal stake in each and every investment. We have skin in the game.


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