Press release -

Anders Thern –New Managing Director, MD, for Merit Consulting in Norway.

Anders Thern new MD for Merit Consulting Norway so that Erik Outzen can continue to focus on his position as CEO for the Merit Consulting group.

Erik Outzen has held the position as MD for Merit Consulting in Norway, in addition to his role as CEO of the Merit Consulting group. From now on Anders Thern will take over Erik Outzen´s position as MD in Norway and Erik continues as CEO for the Merit Consulting group. Anders is a new member in Norway but well known in the organization, as the MD for Merit Consulting Sweden. The idea is that the knowledge and experience Anders Thern has in conducting our business in Sweden, now can be applied in Norway.

I feel a great responsibility to manage and further develop Merit's business in the Nordic region. During Merit´s 10 years we have gone from a national player in Norway to international with 300 employees in 11 countries. Erik Outzen will now only focus on continue this trend and my main focus will be on creating growth in the Nordic region. My belief is that growth is connected with creating value for our customers. To transform our knowledge into value and deliver the right thing at the right time for the right cost for our customers. For a couple of years Merit has won the award Infor's most valued partners regarding M3 and my focus will now be to get the same award from our clients.
                                                            – Anders Thern, MD Merit consulting Norway and Sweden

For addition information contact:

Anders Thern
MD, Sweden and Norway
+46 703 79 14 06

Erik Outzen
+47 951 98 999


  • Economy, Finance


  • merit consulting

We make our clients more competitive by turning knowledge into value! Within Merit we develop and improve our customers' business processes through qualified consulting services and customised business solutions, which are then applied in the customer's business system. We have documented expertise pertaining to operations, applications and technology, and we can provide our customers with long-term support in their improvement programmes. Merit is Infor's largest partner when it comes to Infor M3, formerly Movex, and we have developed proprietary industry solutions within areas such as mobile management, sales and business intelligence, all of which go under the name Merit Portal. Merit has around 300 customers with over 50,000 daily users. The company has about 300 employees in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Great Britain, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy and Switzerland.


Anders Thern

Press contact EVP Sales & Marketing Merit Globe +46 703791406

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