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The American Company CA Technologies Customer Sucess Story about Merit

In the customer success story for december from CA Technologies can you read about Merit and how we worked with CA Technologies to increase competitive advantage with monitoring Services.

Short facts:


To deliver highly customized services that meet the needs of each of its individual customers, Merit needed to deploy an extensible monitoring solution that would also enable future innovation.


CA Unified Infrastructure Management allows Merit to monitor customers’ ERP environments along with its own internal infrastructure based on different parameters. The solution issues alerts when performance or operational thresholds are breached.


Merit can minimize downtime for customers’ ERP systems, while delivering innovative services that differentiate itself in the marketplace. Both new customers and services can be assimilated more rapidly.

You find the full story at:


  • Economy, Finance


  • customer success story


Anders Thern

Press contact EVP Sales & Marketing Merit Globe +46 703791406

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