Press release -

​Jan Kilström to leave Green Cargo for a CEO post in another industry

After five years as the CEO of Green Cargo, Jan Kilström has decided to leave the company to take up a new CEO assignment in the autumn.

“I have greatly appreciated my time at Green Cargo and I am very proud of all we have achieved. During this time, we have significantly improved the company’s results. I have, however, received an exciting offer that I could not refuse, the details of which I am unable to disclose at present,” says CEO Jan Kilström.

“Jan Kilström has used his drive and commitment to do a very good job developing Green Cargo and in managing the challenges the company has faced. He has made a significant contribution to the substantial improvement in the company’s performance and in restructuring it into a more efficient organization. I respect his decision to leave and to start a new phase in his career. On behalf of the Board I would like to thank him for his efforts and the part he has played,” says Chairman Jan Sundling.

“After so many years, it is with mixed feelings that I leave Green Cargo. This, however, is the right time for me to leave and to allow a new leadership to steer the company’s continued progress. I would like to thank the Board for their confidence, but most of all, I would like to thank all the fantastic employees at Green Cargo,” concludes Jan Kilström.

The recruitment of a new CEO has started.


  • Environment, Energy


  • vd
  • jan kilström
  • green cargo

Green Cargo runs 400 freight trains each day, which is equivalent to the capacity of approximately 10,000 truck transports. We serve 270 locations in Sweden and the major cities in Norway. In cooperation with other operators, we reach thousands of locations in Europe. Green Cargo is the only nation-wide freight transport company that meets the standards set by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation for freight transports (Bra Miljöval). Green Cargo is owned by the Swedish state. The Group has approximately 1,900 employees and annual revenue of SEK 4,3 billion (2017).


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Stephan Ray

Press contact Head of Communications & Public Affairs