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Topics: Youth issues



依据Educatius发布的全球青少年心理韧性指数显示,参与国际交流项目的学生有可能由于社交媒体的影响,导致在一年之中损失近一个月的有效时间。该指数调查了北美、南美、欧洲以及亚洲地区(其中包括我国)的四千余名青少年。为响应10月10日世界心理健康日的设立,Educatius倡导发起了“断开重连, 拾回真实”活动,旨在号召全球的留学生、寄宿家庭以及教职员工减少一周内的屏幕使用时间,以重新审视并珍视现实人际交往的价值。

Initiative zur Reduzierung der Bildschirmzeit, um das Wohlbefinden internationaler Studierender zu fördern

Initiative zur Reduzierung der Bildschirmzeit, um das Wohlbefinden internationaler Studierender zu fördern

Anlässlich des World Mental Health Day am 10. Oktober starten DFSR und Southern Cross in Zusammenarbeit mit Educatius, dem Mutterunternehmen, die Initiative „Disconnect to Reconnect“, die Austauschschüler, Gastfamilien und Mitarbeiter weltweit dazu ermutigt, eine Woche lang weniger Zeit vor dem Bildschirm zu verbringen und den Wert echter zwischenmenschlicher Beziehungen wiederzuentdecken.

Una iniciativa que reduce el tiempo frente a las pantallas para mejorar el bienestar de los estudiantes internacionales

Una iniciativa que reduce el tiempo frente a las pantallas para mejorar el bienestar de los estudiantes internacionales

En reconocimiento del Día Mundial de la Salud Mental, que se celebra el 10 de octubre, Get Ready colabora con Educatius, su empresa matriz, para lanzar la iniciativa Disconnect to Reconnect, que anima a los estudiantes de año escolar en el extranjero a reducir el tiempo de pantalla durante una semana y redescubrir el valor de las conexiones en la vida real.

Ridurre il tempo sui Social : la chiave per il benessere degli Exchange Student

Ridurre il tempo sui Social : la chiave per il benessere degli Exchange Student

In occasione della Giornata Mondiale della Salute Mentale che si celebra il 10 ottobre, Astudy collabora con Educatius, la sua società madre, per lanciare l'iniziativa Disconnect to Reconnect, che incoraggia gli exchange student, le famiglie ospitanti e il personale di tutto il mondo a ridurre il tempo trascorso davanti allo schermo per una settimana e a riscoprire il valore dei legami reali.

Initiative Cuts Screen Time to Boost International Students’ Well-being

Initiative Cuts Screen Time to Boost International Students’ Well-being

International exchange students may lose nearly a month of their year abroad to social media, according to Educatius' Global Youth Resilience Index. In recognition of World Mental Health Day on October 10, Student Exchange Australia New Zealand, is collaborating with Educatius, to launch the Disconnect to Reconnect initiative, encouraging exchange students to reduce screen time.

Initiative Cuts Screen Time to Boost International Students’ Well-being

Initiative Cuts Screen Time to Boost International Students’ Well-being

Educatius launches the "Disconnect to Reconnect" initiative, urging international exchange students to reduce screen time for one week, promoting real-life connections over social media. This aims to enhance well-being and resilience, addressing excessive social media's negative impacts on students.

Initiative Cuts Screen Time to Boost International Students’ Well-being

Initiative Cuts Screen Time to Boost International Students’ Well-being

International exchange students may lose nearly a month of their year abroad to social media, according to Educatius' Global Youth Resilience Index. In recognition of World Mental Health Day on October 10, Educatius is launching the Disconnect to Reconnect initiative, encouraging exchange students, host families, and staff worldwide to reduce screen time for one week.

Khuyến khích du học sinh quốc tế cùng nhau “Tắt mạng. Bật kết nối” trong Ngày Sức khỏe Tầm thầnThế giới

Khuyến khích du học sinh quốc tế cùng nhau “Tắt mạng. Bật kết nối” trong Ngày Sức khỏe Tầm thầnThế giới

Nhân Ngày Sức khỏe Tâm thần Thế giới vào ngày 10 tháng 10, Educatius sẽ khởi động sáng kiến “Tắt Mạng. Bật Kết Nối”, khuyến khích du học sinh quốc tế, gia đình bản xứ và đội ngũ nhân viên giảm thời gian sử dụng thiết bị điện tử trong một tuần và tập trung vào các tương tác thực tại.

Educatius Dévoile l’Initiative “Disconnect to Reconnect” pour la Journée Mondiale de la Santé Mentale

Educatius Dévoile l’Initiative “Disconnect to Reconnect” pour la Journée Mondiale de la Santé Mentale

Les étudiants d’échange risquent de perdre jusqu’à un mois de leur programme à cause des réseaux sociaux. Educatius lance son initiative “Disconnect to Reconnect’ le 10 octobre pour la Journée Mondiale de la Santé Mentale pour mettre les étudiants internationaux et les familles d’accueil au défi de réduire leur temps d’écran and de se focaliser sur les échanges de la vie réelle et sur le bien-être

Educatius ra mắt sáng kiến “Tắt Mạng. Bật Kết Nối” nhân Ngày Sức khỏe Tâm thần Thế giới

Educatius ra mắt sáng kiến “Tắt Mạng. Bật Kết Nối” nhân Ngày Sức khỏe Tâm thần Thế giới

Du học sinh có nguy cơ tiêu tốn một khoảng thời gian tương đương 1 tháng trong năm học vào các nền tảng mạng xã hội. Educatius khởi động sáng kiến “Tắt Mạng.” vào ngày 10 /10 nhân Ngày Sức khỏe Tâm thần Thế giới để kêu gọi và thử thách các du học sinh quốc tế, gia đình bản xứ và đội ngũ nhân viên giảm thời gian sử dụng thiết bị điện tử và tập trung vào sức khỏe tinh thần và các kết nối thực tại.

Educatius lanceert het 'Disconnect to Reconnect' initiatief voor World Mental Health Day

Educatius lanceert het 'Disconnect to Reconnect' initiatief voor World Mental Health Day

Uitwisselingsstudenten riskeren een maand van hun programma te verliezen aan sociale media. Educatius lanceert op 10 oktober het "Connect to Reconnect"-initiatief ter gelegenheid van World Mental Health Day, om internationale studenten, gastgezinnen en personeel uit te dagen om hun schermtijd te verminderen en zich te concentreren op echte verbindingen en welzijn.

Social Media Use Could Take 1 Month from Exchange Students' Year Abroad

Social Media Use Could Take 1 Month from Exchange Students' Year Abroad

Exchange students risk losing 1 month of their program to social media. Educatius launches its "Disconnect to Reconnect" initiative on October 10 for World Mental Health Day to challenge international students, host families, and staff to reduce screen time and focus on real-life connections and well-being.

Elena Bladh Educatius new CTO

Educatius Welcomes Elena Bladh as Chief Technology Officer

Educatius announces Elena Bladh as Chief Technology Officer, bringing over 20 years of experience in software development and digital transformation. Her focus on technology strategy aims to enhance user experience and drive growth across Educatius’ global educational programs.

Björn Bengtsson CEO Educatius

Educatius Announces New CEO, Björn Bengtsson, to Lead Global Expansion Efforts

Educatius announces Björn Bengtsson as its new CEO starting September 2024. With over 14 years of leadership in international education, Bengtsson aims to expand the company's global reach, particularly in emerging markets, and enhance the student experience. He emphasizes the importance of education in fostering cultural understanding and is committed to diversity and inclusion.

Groundbreaking Study Compares American Teen Resilience Globally

Groundbreaking Study Compares American Teen Resilience Globally

A new global study by Educatius compares American teens' resilience to their international counterparts, highlighting the importance of fostering adaptability in the face of stress and adversity. Key findings include the impact of social media, gender differences, and the benefits of international experiences on resilience.

Mother’s Day with a Global Twist: Meet the Host Moms

Mother’s Day with a Global Twist: Meet the Host Moms

This Mother's Day, women across the USA are being celebrated with a global twist - international exchange students are honoring their American host moms who've become a second family #MothersDay #InternationalExchange #HostMoms

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The Number One Choice for High School Abroad. 

As a leading provider of international exchange programs, Educatius boasts 21 years of experience and is the largest organization dedicated to academic high school programs abroad.


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