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The first no-impact explorer craft: The electric Candela P-8 Voyager runs quietly on hydrofoils and barely creates a wake at high speeds.

Coral reefs die from noise pollution. This sea-skimming electric hydrofoiler can be the solution.

Sound pollution from motorboats is increasingly threatening the planet’s most biologically diverse and sensitive ecosystems. Swedish electromobility company Candela can address this with its flying, whisper-quiet explorer vessel P-8 Voyager.
Today, Candela CEO and founder, Gustav Hasselskog, speaks at COP27.
Coral reefs are among the most biologically diverse ecosystems worldwide, but also

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Speed. Range. Silence.

The world's only electric boat with speed and range on par with fossil fuel powered boat. And a behavior in rough sea second to none. Simply the future of boating.

Candela Technology AB

Frihamnsgatan 25
11556 Stockholm