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Categories: bengt rittri

This World Ocean day Bluewater calls for a ban on all plastic waste being dampened in ocean (Credit: Stock 96401285)

Bluewater says single-use plastic bottles are ticking time bomb threating planetary and human health, advocates immediate ban

Stockholm, June 8, 2024 – Water purification and beverage innovator Bluewater marks this World Oceans Day 2024 with a call for an immediate ban on the ocean dumping of plastic waste which it describes as a ticking time bomb threatening the health of Planet Earth.
The Swedish-based company says the health threats posed by the pollution and contamination caused by the 600 billion bottles manufac



2023年11月01日 上海—众星云集、备受期待的沃尔沃中国公开赛强势回归,带来全新的、极具环保意义的、摒弃一次性瓶装水的解决方案。作为方案的提供者,Bluewater是一家遥遥领先的创新净水解决方案的供应商,将确保赛事期间为众多选手,观众,工作人员,提供安全、健康的饮用水,为减速做出贡献。
作为在中国运营时间最久和亚洲范围内最知名的高尔夫赛事,沃尔沃中国公开赛吸引着全球的精英。本届赛事也不例外,会有144名知名选手确认参赛,包括英国选手Matt Killen,香港选手Matthew Cheung,沙特选手Othman Almulla,瑞典选手Albin Johansson及中国选手张连伟和匡洋。

Bluewaters innovativa vattenstation på plats vid den British Open 2023

Det svenskbaserade företaget, Bluewater har tecknat ett 3-årigt avtal med världens ledande golforganisation R&A i St Andrews i Skottland, golfens hemland, för leverans av vattenlösningar och miljövänliga flaskor till The Open och AIG Women’s Open

Genom att samarbeta med oss på Bluewater, i detta spännande initiativ som kombinerar innovation och miljöansvar fortsätter R&A att föregå med gott exempel när det gäller att främja hållbarhet inom hela sportindustrin, säger Bengt Rittri

Bluewater, says new evidence of how ‘forever chemicals’ are linked to female infertility as terrifying (Photo credit: iStock 519503694)

Bluewater describes new evidence about how ‘forever chemicals’ threaten female fertility as ‘terrifying’; urges more action from governments and businesses as the planet prepares for Earth Day 2023

“It is simply terrifying to live in a world where nearly everyone has chemicals like PFAS stored in their bodies and learn that women with high levels of the ‘forever chemicals’ in their blood have a 40 percent lower chance of becoming pregnant within 12 months of trying for a baby,” said Bengt Rittri, founder and CEO of Bluewater.

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Bluewater innovates, manufactures and commercializes globally a complete range of premium reverse osmosis water purifiers for residential, business and public use

Bluewater is a world leader innovating, manufacturing, and commercializing water purification technologies and solutions for residential, business and public dispensing applications. Bluewater harnesses patented reverse osmosis technology to remove 99.97% of pollutants from water, including lead, bacteria, pesticides, medical residues, chlorine, microplastics and lime-scale.


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